Archive for March, 2013

At 40 seconds into this ad, you can see a glimpse of the future according to ‘Under Armor’ – a women in a (terrifyingly thin) body suit interacts with some wrist mounted UI, selects a color for the bottom half of her suit, and then the top, and then off she runs.  It’s cool, and I’ve been thinking about it a lot.

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So, this is my big internet debut!

Only 6 days to go before release now, and I’m very excited.  Looking forwards to seeing how people feel about Elizabeth – the women we worked so hard with.

(And it is the weirdest, most peculiar, thing to see your face on video for the first time.  Unnerving as all get out.)

Grey Knight Terminator with Psycannon and Force Sword

Grey Knight Terminator with Psycannon and Force Sword

So, I’m likely getting back into Warhammer 40k after a departure measured in decades – and I’ve decided to go with Grey Knights as they seem to be the favored army right now.  I used to play Eldar (long before ‘Dark Eldar’ or Tau or Necron were things) but the old models are at my mum’s house and I was never any good with them anyway.  Can’t remember ever winning a game, actually…

Anyway – haven’t painted a miniature in so many years and honestly I couldn’t remember if I was any good, or if I only thought I was – but I’m quite pleased with the Grey Knight terminator above – with his Psycannon and Force Sword.  1 down, 15 more to go – one of the advantages of a Grey Knight army – not many minis to paint!

So, yeah.  That’s me – Amanda Jeffrey, Level Designer.  Hearing my own voice is most unnerving.  Not long now until the game is released and on the shelf, and Elizabeth will take her first real steps out into the real world.  That’s my girl.

Go Liz Squad!